Tuesday, 5 December 2023

Senior Service

By Danny Pham 

November 20th, 2023, marked the day when the Dalat senior class began to host an elementary service week during high school A and B blocks in which seniors went to hang out with the elementary students through duck-duck-goose, freeze tag, talking with them while they ate freezies, and playing around with bubbles with the preschoolers.

Anna Ruble (12), a senior who participated in the service week, described hanging out with the elementary students as “a great opportunity to bond with the little ones and to get to know them as well as it was a great way to give back to my community before the end of high school.”

The children were absolutely ecstatic about being able to have extra time to stretch their legs with exciting games and time to hang out and talk with the big high school students in the morning. Noah Brooks (12), a senior who spent time with the fourth graders while they ate their freezies, said, “I loved being able to spend time with elementary kids, and it was amazing to see how much energy the kids had, so it was good for them to be able to go outside to spend it all. I remember being that little and looking up to the older students, so it is good that we were able to show them that seniors really aren’t that scary to be around and that we enjoy being around them.”

Sadly, all good things must come to an end, so on November 23rd, 2023, the elementary service week came to an end with the seniors having to give goodbye hugs and goodbye waves as the last group of elementary students left to go back to their classes as their extra recess had come to an end.

Looking toward the future, however, Aidan Leong (12), our service coordinator, stated, “We hopefully will continue to do more service for our community and plan on continuing to do service for the elementary school in the future.”

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