By Alia Peterson
People have always told me that senior year goes by fast. However, I only really believed that now. The past three years of high school have gone by quickly, but senior year truly does flash by. Here we are in the second semester of our last year of high school, except it feels like our freshman year. We never had a full year of high school due to Covid putting us online.
The social aspect of the past years has been abnormal, with no sports and the inability to go to school and see friends. Everything became online, and sports disappeared for a little while. Covid has affected everyone's lives, but as I think about it, being a senior is crazy. With these last few months of school before graduation, most of us seniors have already applied or are in the process of applying to colleges. Others have different plans. As I look back on it and realize that this is the closest to an ordinary high school year for us, it's eye-opening seeing how far we have made it. Despite the bumps in the road, we have survived this far through high school, especially Covid.
We seniors are excited to have our first full year of high school before heading off because we don’t know what to expect in our future. When I asked Eleanor Emis (12) what she thinks of this year so far, she said, “It’s encouraging, and I'm very grateful that we’re able to have a full year of high school without being online. We will be able to transition more smoothly into our futures and manage extracurriculars and full schedules better after having more experience our senior year.”
Some of us look forward to and are excited to graduate, while others consider it a bittersweet moment. Personally, I am excited to graduate and see what the future holds. I look forward to growing socially, emotionally, and academically as I start a new journey. Although it can be scary thinking that we don’t know what the future holds and are going in somewhat blind, I think that our high school experience with Covid has prepared us for the unexpected.
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