Wednesday, 1 February 2023

Diving to the Finish Line

By Jeta Anderson

The end of rugby season is approaching as the first ISKL trip for season two sports occurred last weekend. The teams who attended included the varsity boy's basketball, the varsity girl's basketball, and the varsity girl's rugby team. 

All the teams did very well in the tournament. However, the most surprising result was for the varsity girl’s rugby. Having only started a few months ago, the girl’s rugby team was relatively new to Dalat. Out of the original eighteen girls on the team, only four had ever played rugby before; the vast majority of the team not even knowing the basic rules of touch rugby. With little to no prior experience, the girl's rugby team surprised everyone when they placed fourth out of the six teams. The other teams consisted of club teams that practiced all year round and teams from other international schools that had been playing for years. 

When asked about the growth of the team, Captain Millie Morgan (12) replied, “Even over the course of one day, we learned so much. Looking back to where we started, I am really impressed at the growth of everyone on the team. After seven games in one day, we were exhausted, but I am happy with how much work everyone put in and how much adjusting we had to do." 

In addition to being the most improved team, the girl's rugby team was also the most diverse in grades, with around half of the team consisting of underclassmen. The team brought together girls from all different grades and made them into one united team. 

“One of my favorite things about sports is the people I meet through them and the connections we form. It was an amazing journey and a privilege to play with these girls and help lead them. I can't wait to see how they grow as a team in the years to come,” said Grace Neeley (12), one of the team captains. 

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