Tuesday, 30 January 2024

Founder’s Message

By Cullno Mah

January 26, Friday was the birth of a new era in Dalat history: the birth of the long-awaited Marine Biology Club and its debut. Ms. Goh, Elizabeth, and I founded the Marine Biology Club with the goal of exploring a whole other world before us with a family-like community passionate about marine life and a drive towards a better world. Focused on the ocean’s unexplainable beauty and supernatural design, we created this club to nurture true love and values of marine bio capable enough to be passed on to future generations to come.

Although the club members had met once before, Jan 26 was the true debut where we ventured beyond land, to the beaches beating against the school walls. As the founder of the club, a heavy load of responsibilities lingered throughout the week, counting towards the inevitable debut. The introduction of the syllabus and the “World in Glass Bottle” project were among the list of objectives at this meeting. The top of that list was to create an environment where bonding and comfortability may thrive.

I remember being overjoyed as smiles began to light up when I finally revealed the fun and possibilities that were to come. Fishing, fish dissecting, boat sunset trips, and special guests brought a little excitement towards the foreseeable future. Next, the “World in Glass Bottle” project, where we hope to manifest a living environment within a glass bottle by capturing microorganisms as well as the opportunity to provide nutrients and habitat through one's own creativity-sparked passion emitted through their radiant eyes. Finally, moments where we marched toward the vast sea holding each other’s hands and got footage of us running around the sand were definitely moments that brought us closer to one another. The additional time given to begin gathering specimens within glass bottles also gave our members the chance to take a closer look and explore the beach where this very school is built. 

Sadly, this beautiful moment also came with terrifying consequences. Amidst the beauty of the club session and the extreme bonding, I found myself shoved into the salty water with a complete set of school uniform on without a single towel in sight. The bonding has led to a comfortability to bully the club’s founder and left me with an impossible confrontation. 

My mom had this to say, “Cullno, What happened?! Oh my Gosh! Now I have to clean the car already! What happened?” As I explained the situation, my mother added, “I’m so proud of you, Cullno, good job Mr. Founder.” 

I would say Friday was a success, wouldn't you?

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