Wednesday, 17 January 2024

The Happiest Days Of Our Lives

By Josh Morrison

The show goes on! Welcome to semester two! All of us are returning for another semester of school, but for some of us this will be our last…

Getting back into old classes and starting new ones always takes a second to get used to. The first week of semester two often feels like the in-between state of sleepy awareness you get after hitting the snooze on the alarm clock: the teachers don’t give out a ton of homework, everyone’s still talking about what they did over break, and the coaches aren’t going hard on their athletes. It’s a good ease back into routine.

Despite the goodwill of teachers and coaches, the second semester naturally is when motivation amongst seniors is at an all time low. It’s like our attention spans have just snapped. So as a senior who often feels burned out with school, I decided to ask a couple seniors how they stay motivated to wake up every morning.

 “I think it’s about intentionality,” Caleb Jun said, “I try to be intentional with the people I spend time with because I know this will be the last time I see a lot of them,” 

“I just look forward to the Friday at the end of the week,” said Ryan Choi.

“It’s about making memories with friends, you’re only young once, so we might as well make it meaningful,” said Naomi Weidemann.

“Knowing it will all be over soon,” concluded Tia Moore.

I encourage all students reading this scribble to finish strong! A lot of us seniors have grown up and made a home out of the community here at Dalat. This is the place where we've spent our most formative years, we’ve built character at Dalat and made relationships to cherish forever. Dalat is our childhood memories and our high school experience and its ending soon. Dalat has given us so much and it’s important us seniors leave something for Dalat to remember us by. Second semester is about leaving a legacy.

So if you are a senior reading this, I implore you to go to school not for the sake of routine,  studying, or mindlessly busy work, but to leave your mark where it counts, whether that’s being intentional with who you spend time with, looking forward to a weekend, or making the best possible memories with your friends, because at the end of the day this is our last semester and it will all be over soon.

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