Tuesday, 1 March 2022


By Chor Ee Ng

Fate is something that is very miraculous to me. I didn’t believe in fate when I was a kid but as of right now, fate has happened way too many times in my life for me to neglect its existence.

Due to Covid hitting our school and our country in waves, I thought that we would be able to have our senior sneak at the end of February since our cases have been low for the past month. A lot of places like cinemas, restaurants, and other outdoor activities were starting to be reopened by the government. People are going out to dine in at restaurants and people were able to do things they weren't allowed to do during the Movement Controlled Order. There were strict SOPs in the past, but most of it has been either removed or eased up.

As for Sneak, I planned out all my outfits and imagined the extra activities I was going to do with my friends, like, scuba diving, riding the ATV, and swimming with turtles. But fate caught upon us and because of the rise in Covid cases, and the rise in senior parents withdrawing their child from going to Sneak, our sneak got postponed to ****. A lot of people were disappointed, and a lot of people already started packing their Sneak bags weeks prior to the actual date of Sneak.

When I got the email from Mr. Penland, I looked at my “already packed” luggage, sighed, and unpacked. I could just leave the luggage as is and have it ready for Sneak, but I thought to myself if our fate run out again, the senior Sneak is not going to happen, and my bag would just be packed for nothing.

With all things considered, I still have hope in our senior sneak in ****. Regardless of whether there is a Sneak or not, I think the most important thing is that we are safe and there are other ways for us to bond with one another. Fate will tell in due time.

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