By Paul Pham
“If you throw it to
me, I’ll go chase it down,” Mr. Neeley told Lauren Worten (11). The lead held
by the opposing ultimate frisbee team still lay at two touchdowns away and was closing
Ultimate Frisbee plays in a manner reminiscent of
rugby and handball. Players throw the frisbee to teammates, with the player
holding the frisbee unable to take steps with their feet until passing it to
another teammate. The objective is to throw the frisbee to a teammate standing
in the designated scoring area.
Unfortunately, their game of ultimate frisbee ended
two touchdowns later with the opposing team winning 7-4 on the Thursday
afternoon of January 20th due the defensive effort of Mr. Riffey and Lana
Brewster (12), and several precise touchdown passes by Bennett McIver. Despite
the loss, the two teams ended the game good-naturedly, with hi-fives and pats
on the back all around, before mixing up the teams again.
Mr. Riffey runs a sports group after X-block at
Permai Park, operating most Thursdays and Fridays. His purpose behind beginning
the group is to build community within the Dalat High School through the game
time and bring back some much needed physical activity after the break in
athletics due to the pandemic. Ultimate Frisbee is not the only sport played by
the sports group, Mr. Riffey also organizes Wiffle Ball, Kick Ball, Touch
Rugby, Flag Football, Captain Ball, and several others.
Students have really been enjoying this opportunity
to go out again and play sports, as the last officially organized sport had
been during the Eagle Games, occurring in November, with sport prior to that
being canceled in February of 2020.
“Sports group has been great because it’s all about
having fun and doing something active, not just about winning,” said Jay Lohman
The sports group has been discontinued temporarily due to the beginning of intramural sports and needing to reschedule but will hopefully return soon.
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