Tuesday, 15 February 2022

Game On!

 By Max Chang

As the second month of 2022 began, the world slowly made its move to return to how it had been for the last tens and hundreds of years. And of course, at the school, sports are coming back to its spot along with all the other things.

When the pandemic hit the world, it changed so many things of this world, and everything that seemed normal was no longer a thing from loads of restrictions set upon humanity. The common idea of physical socializing was not very common anymore, and sports were no exception. After school, lunchtime, and morning, intramurals were allowed in school at no time of the day, and this has brought a frown upon many community students.

There were times in the middle of the pandemic in which minimal sports were returned to the community, but of course, no one thought that was enough, and even to make that worse, these things did not last very long. But this time, things were a little different, or perhaps, very different.

As February started, intramurals were back in the community. Both the school's official games and casual lunchtime sports, in general, were back. But of course, some rules had to be followed to keep intramurals in the game, yet despite those rules, it was clear that many of the students were excited for the return of intramurals.

"The rules regarding sports along with COVID restrictions are a bit annoying, but I am glad that I can play sports with my friends instead of just sitting around the whole lunch," commented Noah Lee (11).

For many students, especially the sporty ones, the return of sports made them feel like they were really feeling that the world was slowly going back to normal. For now, many are still restricted. But as time goes, it is hoped that the world will ultimately push through the pandemic and go back to our ordinary days.

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