Tuesday, 6 April 2021

The Blowing of the Last Wind

By Ziyu Moey 

What’s the difference between school breaks and online learning? The answer is that you actually have a break from all the burden that school might have given you. However, the definition of what a break really does to you might slowly be overshadowed by the experience that is online learning.

Back in the days when the world wasn’t in a dumpster fire, the differences between holidays and schooldays were easily shown. At the eve of the break, we would normally sigh in relief that school was over. This time though, some people might have had thoughts like, ‘what’s the difference between holidays and school days anymore?’ ‘What’s the point of having a break again if we can’t even do much now?’ With all these possible thoughts, there are still some people who think that breaks hold some value. Maybe it’s because these people have become numb to these kinds of situations, as a junior described it. “Holidays just don’t really have the same impact that they used to have. Doesn’t help that we still can’t travel too far. It’s a bit like I’ve grown so accustomed to having to stay at home for long periods of time that it just doesn’t really phase me anymore,” said Lee Anne Lim (11). 

If you are from the group of people whose breaks aren’t that special to them anymore, the people who don't notice about their aspects about them changing, or just a person who just doesn’t care about these things--comparing breaks to online learning, one thing is for sure: your views on breaks have to have changed over the course of this past year. The virus is still going strong in our region. These are desperate times; and with desperate times, comes changes to places that we can least expect them to appear.

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