Tuesday, 8 October 2019

We Know You Can Sing

By Duncan Magruder
October 4 - 6 was an eventful time for both the high school choir and the many 7/11s that had the joy of doing business with them.

Breaking News! The high school choir is back and we are all happy that they have arrived safely. They were all wearing the same type of socks with different foods on them just trying to show their Choir section pride, after making an expedition all the way to Thailand have come back with a whole new view on life and music itself, really being able to experience the Thai culture by harassing every 7/11 employee they came across.

Christina Beaman (12) had an amazing time on the choir trip for the second time. This is what she had to say about it. “Each trip had a uniqueness to it and I really enjoyed both of them a lot. One thing I loved about this year was that we had a small group so we really got to bond with one another during the trip. One of my favorite memories was going to seven eleven together. We probably went 7 times in the span of two days. Overall, it was a great trip and it was amazing to see how 500 people can sing together and sound so good. It was an exciting week full of singing, laughing, and seven eleven.” At the end of the day, we could see that many of the students on the trip focused more on the many activities that involved 7/11 than they did the singing itself.

The choir trips have always been a joy to the students and every year they come back with a new story to tell and an inside joke that they will laugh at for days to come. The school loves having the vibrant energy the choir students express in the open-air halls as we walk to our next class. Hopefully, next year's choir trip will have just as much excitement and 7/11 runs as this past year did. 

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