Monday, 7 October 2019


By Maddie Rude

This past week the high school choir took its annual trip to Bangkok, Thailand. Dalat and fifteen other schools came together to perform seven pieces. There were over 500 hundred students singing and having fun together.  They spent all of Friday and most of Saturday preparing for the concert on Saturday afternoon. When they weren’t singing, they were goofing off in 7/11.

We got to experience how amazing it is to be a part of a mass choir. It was incredible to see all of our hard work come together and to experience how beautiful it is when 500 hundred people come together and perform. Christina Beaman (12) notes, “I loved our first practice with the whole choir because we had just come from performing a concert in Penang and it was mesmerizing to hear the difference when you combine multiple choirs. One thing I loved was hearing the end result because we work hard the weeks leading up to the trip then we get to come together with a bunch of other choirs and sing together, it is amazing to hear it and be a part of the performance.”

However, we had the most fun when we were just hanging out or when we were goofing around, like taking funny videos in the 7/11. Jireh Ang noted that “[a]t night I would be bored and ask if people wanted to go to 7/11 and then somehow almost the whole choir would go and we would have a blast every single time we went.”

“Sometimes when we were in public we would start dancing, breaking out in song as we paraded through malls and streets,” Amber Ruble (11) recalls one of her favorite memories. “It was so fun to see the happiness on everyone’s faces and just singing for fun.”

Through talking, singing and embarrassing ourselves in public, we all grew closer to each other. Reflecting on the trip Daniel Lim (12) says, "I think the choir trip showed more sides of each other especially since we only knew each other through singing. I can now associate everyone as my friends instead of just people I sing together with. I'm lucky to have been in this class, and I wish we could karaoke in room 301.”

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