Tuesday, 18 September 2018

Stole the Show

Jeremy Worten

My uncle and aunt, the guest SEW speakers at Dalat International School, came to refresh our souls with God. Do you get tired of the same old grind? The same routine of life? Waking up early, eating breakfast, and arriving at school on time. Last week—SEW week—though, was something special.

 I believe the purpose of SEW is to take a break from the normal weeks of school to give a chance for students and staff to really get right with God, so that they can continue to build a strong foundation for the rest of the school year.

This year, SEW was special to me because my aunt and uncle were the guest speakers for the week. It was an honor to be the MC for most of the nights and to introduce them to my friends and teachers. They were not planning on coming, but because of my request, they accepted the invitation.

Opening Night – Lights, camera, action! The MC for the first night was me, and I was super nervous. There was an amazing turnout, and it felt like the entire school was there. The whole Harbor Hall was full and ready to start SEW. That night was special, and I can tell you why. The spiritual leadership class and I were tasked to organize that night. We had to handle the music, the lights, the stations, the workflow, and much more.

At first, it felt crazy and the madness was getting to the leadership class, but when the evening came around, something special happened. The Holy Spirit came into the Harbor Hall that night. He was working within the students. Students were praying for other students. Teachers and parents worshipped with the students.

All the people in that chapel were worshiping the good God Almighty. They were standing up, arms raised, and singing with their hearts! It was a night to remember. It was a time for vulnerability and broken barriers, a time to get right with God. That night was something that nobody will forget, and the leadership class and I are extremely thankful that God used us for his glory. God stole the show that night.

We want to thank everyone for coming, and we are trying to get more events like that going throughout the school year. Continue to abide in Christ daily, and I hope you will stick to what you learned. My leadership development teacher said the following: “Do it for the Audience of one”; remember that when you are performing for the Lord. 

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