Tuesday, 17 April 2018

Crushing it at the Cove

Jonathon Chinn

On Saturday, April 14, the seniors served a breakfast to the hardworking junior class and later followed this up by having a fun class party at the Cove in the evening.

At 10 o’clock on Saturday, the junior class walked through the doors of the Student Center and were met with rapturous applause and a plethora of food options. The senior class had just spent the last hour rushing around the Student Center to clean it up and make it look presentable. When the juniors arrived to a warm welcome and a pleasant surprise of a breakfast, they couldn’t help but feel appreciated. Seong-Min Kim (11) summed up the thoughts of his whole class by saying, “I walked in and everyone was congratulating us. I felt really special. We just worked really hard for the seniors and we didn’t expect anything from them.”

It was a great moment for both classes, and the kind gesture made conversation easier. The seniors had a great time serving the juniors, but they had an even greater time afterward when the benefits of their morning's work came through. The seniors had eaten a lot, but they had not eaten everything. The remaining food was all left for the seniors to gobble up, and gobble it up they did.

After a fun morning filled with work, the class was treated to a party at The Cove, which was hosted by Natalie Ryan and her family. The class was met by a little bit of rain, meaning the pool was off limits, but it all turned out fine as dinner was consumed under a roof. Just like in the morning, everyone brought delicious food for dinner and dessert, and each dish was enjoyed to the fullest.

Each class member made their own fun that night, playing cards, playing chess, swimming in the reopened pool, or just talking to one another. Some of the boys even formed a circle and hit a ball back and forth between each other. In the end, it was a very relaxing evening for the seniors to come and chill, basking in the company of their closest friends. It was the perfect way to end the perfect day.

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