Thursday, 17 March 2016

How Will Seniors Survive the Real World?

Cheryl Yeap

            With graduation so close in sight, how will the seniors react? Are they prepared for college? How will they survive the real world?
Going to college and stepping out into the real world is an exciting but terrifying feeling. Dalat International School is a “bubble” that shelters its students well. Unfortunately, it does not prepare us well for life after high school, which is why seniors have to go to the senior transitions retreat.
            The retreat at Paradise was an awesome experience. The experienced and knowledgeable speakers understand how each senior feels. They understand the confusion that the seniors are going through--the insatiable desire to graduate but the dreadful feeling of having to leave their friends and their comfort zone. The speakers gave the seniors some very useful and interesting advice. They urge the seniors to cherish the last moments that they have with their high school friends and to prevent themselves from isolation since everybody will be separating and pursuing their various endeavors. The speakers also gave the seniors many great advice about making new friends. People should be cautious in choosing their friends because friendships play a big part in molding the individual’s behaviors.
            Aside from the sessions, the organizers planned many fun games for the seniors to play. For example, they gave every senior a pack of gum. The seniors chewed the whole pack of gum at once, spat it out, and built rafts with their bare hands. Also, the seniors played a game created by Mr. Brewster and a few others. Fake money called Brewster Bucks was distributed to every senior. Then, Mr. Brewster pretended to be a college professor; and the seniors have to pay one Brewster Buck after every lecture. Since people often request for student loans to pay for their college fees, those students often have to work in college. Each senior were randomly given different jobs and had to do either burpees, air squats, or pushups to earn some Brewster Bucks. The game relates to the real world. It taught us how expensive attending college is. It impacted most of the seniors and taught them to appreciate their education in college.

            The seniors also had some free time during the retreat, and it was fun for them to be able to bond with their classmates. Some swam in the pool, while others played card games during free time. The senior transitions retreat was truly a memorable experience.

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