Monday, 29 February 2016

God’s New Baby: The Arrival of Thalia Oppenheim

Sheng Ting Yang

            It has been ¾ of a year. The Oppenheim family, along with the people of Dalat, waited anxiously for the birth of Thalia Oppenheim. Now, in the year 2016, she has finally arrived!
“As a father, I saw her as a delicate little baby. Even when she screamed and cried, I saw her as a cute and innocent child,” says Keegan Oppenheim (12).
            On February 13, 2016, Thalia Oppenheim was born. Fortunately, Thalia’s father, Keegan Oppenheim, took an airplane from Malaysia, Penang to Denver, Colorado just in time for the birth. After flying for thirty-four hours, the family, Thalia, Keegan, and Priska Oppenheim, was able to unite together for the first time in their lives. The moment was impassioned and golden. 
“When I first arrived, it was a rush of emotions. I was excited to meet my daughter, concerned for the wellbeing of my wife, and a bit shocked because childbirth is still traumatic for basically everyone in the room. Once I saw her, I was speechless. I sat there in silence because everything I thought of saying was an understatement for how I truly felt,” Keegan explains.
            The baby girl, weighing 6.7 ounces and 19.25 inches tall, embraced her mother’s warm stomach, while Keegan embraced the both of them. Later, the Oppenheims, along with the Sugianto family, came to visit this newborn infant.

            After only spending a few days with his family, it was time for Keegan to return back to Malaysia. Priska and Thalia came with Keegan to the airport to say goodbye. Yet, even though their meeting was short, their reuniting would be even more beautiful.

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