Monday, 20 May 2024

War is Over!

By Jason Cho

Advanced Placement classes have always been present since the start of high school. But this year, the Ap exams hold more pressure than ever with some seniors needing high scores for their university. This years preparation for Ap exams have never been so intense. With students studying so hard until they their nose bleed. But now they are all finished. And with the Ap exams gone, so were the stress and pressure. All they could do now is wait for their scores.

Advanced Placement classes are classes that hold a rigorous coursework in comparison to normal classes. And the main goal of students taking this class is to take the Ap exam during May. In order to pass the exam students must work to get a score of three or above. Most universities/colleges accept a score of four or five, depending on their syllabus. The exam takes about three hours to complete it. With different sections covering the exam. In order to prepare the student for the rigor, teachers pour out practice exams and mock test’s to tone the students for the upcoming obstacle. 

Some of my friends who are heading to the UK for their university was particularly more stressed and pressured, as they needed a certain score in order to be fully accepted into the university of their choice. I respect these guys as they were upholding this pressure in amidst of senioritis and burnout. Studying for AP’s was not an easy task. With so much material to cover, time was always against the students. But despite this they gave up weekends and hangouts in order to battle against the massive exam that was ahead of them. 

Then it came, exam week. The exam took place over two weeks of school, with morning and afternoon sessions. Students relentlessly finished their test and gave a sigh of relief. Finally it was done. The test that have been grabbing them by the leg has been taken care of. All they could do now was wait for their scores, which will be coming out in July. 

Cullno Mah (12), one of the seniors who took three AP tests, stated, “I feel good. I feel confident I got triple fives and am happy Ms. Goh got us snacks. I was also happy that many teachers were very supportive of us during this time of hardship. Now that it’s really over, I feel satisfied with all the hard work I put into my AP classes. Let’s go!” 

With months of preparations and rigorous coursework, the AP classes/exams were finally over. The pressure that comes with this year’s AP exams were particularly high as some of the students depended on the score. The AP exams this year gave mixed emotions. But one thing was for certain. They all tried their best and war was over! Now as graduation dawns and classes become more loose, they could relax and have fun. I wish the best for their AP scores and I hope they get the score they deserve! 

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