Wednesday, 6 March 2024

Relaxing or Tiring or Entertaining

By Alicia Lim

On the day of Thursday last week, we seniors got to go on a senior transition retreat for two days. It was a day full of seminars about our upcoming university life, with time to bond with our friends. Most of us seniors were already drowning with senioritis, and we couldn't wait to just take a break from school. Since it was our first transition retreat, we didn't know what to expect. Most of the days were filled with seminars, which was like another class that led us to be mentally drained a little. 

But there's a good side, according to Packia Alagu Nagarajan, "I liked that they gave us markers and let us doodle while listening to the panels. I really enjoyed spending time with my classmates and friends." 

Looking back, I see that the markers were a real savior, as going through hours with nothing to do would be less of a retreat and more like a classroom. Hanging out with our friends really helped us reconnect with each other as we will graduate soon and miss these moments together.

Now, the juiciest part of the night was the relationship panel. It was full of hilarious and useful questions that made our day. Their answers were engraved in our minds because they were interesting and partly surprising. According to Heeeun Bang, she said, "Senior Retreat was fun but painful at the same time. It was fun to hang out with friends like little children, but it did ache my body to sit for a long period of time. But I gotta say, the highlight of the retreat was when we got to ask the panels about relationships." 

Since we got to participate in writing the questions it made it much more funnier to know that it was coming from one of us but at the same time more relatable. All in all I would summarize the emotions I felt during the trip was relaxing, tiring, and entertaining.

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