Thursday, 6 May 2021

The Night of Rest and Healing


By Abel Tan

Walking into City Light Church not knowing what to expect, the Seniors finally had their long awaited class activity! On Friday, April 23rd, the Senior class attended a worship night that was planned by their very own class president, Daniel Choi.

For more than a year now, the pandemic known as covid-19 has greatly affected the whole world negatively, and this is especially true for Dalat’s class of 2021. Starting with the cancellation of the JSB they themselves were supposed to host, a series of disappointments continued to greet them as they entered their last year in Dalat.

Daniel Choi even said: “I felt numb throughout the year, and I felt it in my class. It was as if God had forgotten us for a whole year. But truth is, he never left us, he was building patience in us for THIS MOMENT RIGHT NOW!” This was said during the Worship Night.

The night started off with Ms. Henderson providing an icebreaker, in which some volunteers were to throw a tennis ball into a basket from where they sat. After a few had attempted it, the icebreaker ended and the worship team led the night. After singing the first 4 songs, Uncle Keith gave an inspirational talk to the Seniors challenging them to be leaders and leave an impact during SEW the next week. It was also after this when Daniel had given a little speech of his own, producing the quote from above.

The Worship Night continued as more songs were sung, as well as speeches given, by Henderson, and Mr. Ronzheimer. The Seniors were also given time to reflect and pray by either by themselves, or with others. It was during this time when many had felt the rest and peace they so desperately needed, while others were able to amend their relationships with others and/or God. Later, the Seniors were given the opportunity to share what they experienced. They were able to end the night on a high note by singing 4 worships songs, and after a few minutes of hugging one another, the Worship Night that brought rest and healing ended.

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