Tuesday, 13 October 2015

Senior Focus: The Fun of Spirit Week

Robert Kilgo and Keegan Oppenheim

Ushering in the second quarter, Spirit Week (6 October-9 October) provided both students and teachers alike the chance to relax and show school pride. Seniors especially embraced this pride.
It was good week, especially because of the blessing that Monday was. Thanks to the haze, the school was closed for students, but the staff still had to come in—sorry, guys. It was no loss to students, as Spirit Week was originally scheduled to start on Tuesday anyways.
Tuesday was class Color Day, with some seniors taking it very seriously by dressing completely in the class color (good job, Abby Bengs), while others were not so serious and  hardly showed any class pride (looking at you, Joseph Leech). Needless to say, the entire senior class looked like they were attending a funeral, as their color was black. But one look at the sophomores burned the eyes a bit, as they were dressed in pink!
 On to Wednesday, which was the Swap Day. Teachers dressed up like students or young people, and students dressed up as the profession they would like to enter into someday. Some went all out, like Lexi Zimbulis who dressed up as a surgeon and “not a nurse,” as she said, while others, like Joseph Leech, want to dedicate their lives to remaining Dalat students, as the mandatory uniform served as their ‘amazing costume.’
Thursday was Crazy Day, and it was probably the most exciting day. Most everyone participated on this day, because the only real requirement was to clash. And clash they did for sure. In fact, there were so many good outfits, that it’s hard to remember who had the best; it’s all just a blur of color. But if a best costume had to be pulled out of the memory, it would go to none other than Joseph Leech who wore his school uniform to school yet again. It was crazy!
 Finishing the week off, Friday was Spirit Day, where blue and gold wore worn as the ultimate show of school spirit. It was really fun to see everyone do different things with those colors, even going so far as dying their hair blue and gold, like Mary-Claire McIntyre. Others used blue and gold face paint to top it all off. Joseph Leech showed extra school spirit that day by wearing a navy blue shirt with gold stripes and khaki shorts. For some reason, it looked exactly like Dalat’s regular uniform—go figure!

Spirit Week was loved. (And we love you, Joseph Leech.)   

Photo Credit: Gloria Kim

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