Carissa Hoffmeyer
The final Fine Arts Festival came and went the week of May 20-24; as Mr. Steinkamp stated, “We never think we can do better than the year before, but we always do!”
The talent that Dalat has never ceases to amaze the audience. Wednesday night, the auditorium was packed, with hardly enough room to fit all the adoring fans, as middle school performed a wonderful concert.
Thursday night, the fun continued with the MS and HS Jazz bands. At one point, the two came together to play one song. Next came the Junior Men's Ensemble. They had the audience cracking up with their rendition of “Country Roads.” They then left us with a warm, heartfelt song entitled “My Girl.” Finally, Show Choir silently made their way on stage, fully dressed in nun costumes (with the help of Ms. Geiman); their songs from Sister Act, Part I and II, had the crowd clapping and cheering along. Their songs featured solos from Bethany Davis (12), Daniel Choi (10), Joel Kelley (10), Seth Kelley (12), and Lydia Kim (12).
The final night of the festival featured the art students, with a speed painting performance from the AP art class, followed by the Concert Choir, Grazioso, and Concert Band. The night started with a thank you from the young and hip Mr. Brewster to all the art students. It was special to recognize those who had worked hard all year long on their art pieces, which were displayed all week throughout the Harbor. Thanks to Mrs. Nichols, the students looked unique in their “What Box?” t-shirts.
After the performance by the AP art students, the Concert Choir came on stage and performed a lovely set of songs, ending with a tearful melody in honor of the seniors. The song left half of the choir in tears and the audience in awe. “The choir was emotionally moving and a good way to end the year,” said Hudson Morgan (11).
Afterward, Grazioso played beautiful and melodic pieces, thanking the band directors for allowing them to play. The students also took it upon themselves to thank their first band director, Ms. Dannekar, whom they honored by playing the first piece they ever played together. Lastly, the Concert Band finished the night with six festive, ominous, raging pieces. The band was then conducted by two young AP Music Theory students who composed their own pieces for the band. The audience went up in a thunder of applause, shouting, “Encore!”, which led the band to play a final piece together before the seniors left, and the students went their separate ways.
The night ended on a beautiful note as Mr. Steinkamp thanked all the people who made the event possible. With his last words, the night came to an end, and the talented musicians played their final concert for this school year.